Proud home of the LIVELY FALCONS!
Students (7th & 8th grade) wishing to tryout/ participate in any sports must have valid physicals and online forms.
Physical packets can be picked up in the front office or from Lively PE teachers. Please ensure the hard copies are turned into Lively Athletic Coaches.
For Immediate Updates, please check out our Facebook page- Falcon Athletics
Forms- Physicals and University Interscholastic League (UIL) Online
For help on filling out the AISD athletics physical, check out this slidedeck!
Para obtener ayuda sobre cómo completar el examen físico de atletismo de AISD, ¡consulte este paquete de diapositivas!
Guide to AISD Athletics Physicals
Sports Offered & Timeline:
- Football: August to Mid-October
- Volleyball: August to Mid-October
- Cross Country: August to Mid- October
- Boys Soccer: End October to Mid-December
- Girls Basketball: End October to Mid-December
- Boys Basketball: January to Mid- March
- Girls Soccer: January to Mid- March
- Track: End March to Mid- May
- Tennis: End March to Mid- May