The Lively Law and Humanities Magnet for International Studies offers advanced academic programming that provides engaging coursework and that both challenges and supports students. The three strands of humanities, law and global studies provide the basis for a wide array of unique academic and award-winning fine arts electives that are found exclusively at Lively. Magnet students enroll in specialized language arts, social studies, and Magnet electives courses only offered at Lively, where they enjoy accelerated, cross-curricular project-based learning.
As the only Law, Humanities, and International Studies middle school magnet program in the nation, we focus on civics education and inspire our students to be active citizens who can create positive change in their communities.
Please view an informative video detailing our programs.
Please view a video about our unique and fun campus!
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Visit the Magnet Information page for full details and admissions information!
Lively Middle School Overview
Lively Middle School is located on historic South Congress Avenue down the street from the Texas Capitol. Lively was founded in 1886 and has been in its current location since 1911. Our mission, "To provide educational opportunities that inspire global thinking and social responsibility," is met through diverse course offerings and rich extracurricular activities. The Lively Humanities and Law Magnet for International Studies offers advanced academic programming and engaging coursework to challenge and support students. At Lively, Magnet students enroll in specialized language arts and social studies courses, where they enjoy accelerated, cross curricular, project-based learning. Lively's Dual Language Program provides students the ability to become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural through high-level cognitive instructional practice.
Program Highlight Video
Campus Highlights
- After-school Programs
- Athletics
- AVID College Readiness
- Career and Technical Education
- Creative Learning Initiative
- Dual Language
- Fine Arts
- Forensic Science
- Gifted and Talented Services
- Law and Humanities Electives
- Middle School Geometry
- Model United Nations
- National Junior Honor Society
- Social and Emotional Learning
Sobre la escuela
La Escuela Secundaria Lively está ubicada en la histórica South Congress Avenue en la misma calle del Capitolio de Texas. Lively se fundó en 1886 y ha estado en su ubicación actual desde 1911. Nuestra misión, "proporcionar oportunidades educativas que inspiren el pensamiento global y la responsabilidad social", se cumple a través de diversas ofertas de cursos y ricas actividades extracurriculares. El Programa Especializado de Humanidades y Derecho para Estudios Internacionales de Lively ofrece una programación académica avanzada y cursos motivadores para desafiar y apoyar a los estudiantes. En Lively, los estudiantes del programa especializado se inscriben en cursos especializados de artes del lenguaje y estudios sociales, donde disfrutan de un aprendizaje acelerado, multidisciplinario y basado en proyectos. El programa de Lenguaje Dual de Lively proporciona a los estudiantes la capacidad de ser bilingües, biculturales y de leer y escribir en dos idiomas, a través de prácticas de instrucción cognitivas de alto nivel.
Vídeo destacado del programa
Aspectos Destacados
- Aprendizaje social y emocional
- Preparación universitaria AVID
- Bellas Artes
- Deportes
- Educación Técnica y Profesional
- Geometría de la escuela secundaria
- Iniciativa de Aprendizaje Creativo
- Lenguaje dual
- Materias optativas de derecho y humanidades
- Modelo de las Naciones Unidas
- Programas extracurriculares
- Programa para dotados y talentosos
- Sociedad Nacional de Honor Júnior
- Ciencia forense