Counselor Corner

School Counselors work with students on social-emotional, academic and career planning. Sometimes this is through planned lessons, and other times through responsive services. Counselors are currently working through advisory classes to teach self-regulation skills and coping strategies. School counselors also connect students with additional resources based on need and availability.

In a mental health emergency, please let your teacher know that you need a counselor immediately. Your teacher will reach out to one of us and make sure you are seen immediately.





Introducing our counseling team for our 2024 - 2025 school year!



Ileana White

 Ileana White

Counselor Assistant

512-414-3207 ext 70374


Michelle Garcia

Michelle Garcia

All grade levels = last names A - M

512-414-3207 ext 70404



Miranda Harris



Miranda Harris

             All grade levels = last names N - Z       

512-414-3207 ext 26631




Please use the following process to schedule time with the counselor:

Schedule time with the counselor: Click here

In addition to our school counselors we have the following resources available on our campus and within our community.

Community Resources & Partners

Research indicates that youth participating in mentoring relationships:

  • experience positive academic returns including better attendance, better attitudes towards school, and an increased likelihood of going on to higher education
  • are less likely to initiate alcohol/drug use while being mentored and less likely to engage in some negative behaviors
  • have more positive social attitudes and relationships

APIE mentors work one-on-one with Austin students during the school day. They help students improve their social and study skills, strengthen their communication skills, and build self-confidence. They inspire children to develop new interests, explore career possibilities, and achieve their personal and academic goal.

APIE Website

Communities In Schools Program Managers connect personally with students who have been referred by teachers or administrators to improve student achievement. They create a service plan based on each child’s needs and then make that plan happen. They may provide individual counseling or support groups, basic life skills, tutoring, mentoring, or enrichment opportunities — whatever it takes to help the child succeed. The goal of all these services is to engage students in learning and succeeding in school.
Con Mi MADRE is a two-generation organization that empowers young Latinas and their mothers through education and support services that increase preparedness, participation, and success in post-secondary education.Con Mi MADRE translates to "with my mother,” which exemplifies the unique element of our programming that intentionally engages mothers in their daughter’s educational journey from 6th grade through college graduation.

CARY focuses exclusively on youth who have severe disciplinary issues, have been suspended, or placed in the disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP). CARY's two-semester program uses PeaceRox, an evidence-based curriculum that teachers positive social skills, anger management, empathy, and character education. PeaceRox stems from Aggression Replacement Training, a program certified by the National Center for the Study and Prevention of Youth Violence and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. CARY's program also include individual behavioral counseling, parent-support groups, service-learning projects, and a high-education scholarship fund for program graduates.

Seedling Mentor Program. The Seedling Mentor Program is designed to provide children with a long-term, positive relationship that helps them navigate the challenges experienced during an extended period of family separation due to parental incarceration and help children develop or maintain positive attitudes towards education.

The Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) Partnership supports public housing residents in their journey to economic self-sufficiency through school-based and property-based educational, enrichment, and case management services.

STRATEGIES: Supportive Guidance, After-school programming, Home visits, Enrichment Activities, Educational Enhancement, Family Engagement.

We hold a 9-week long class for the students in our South Austin office every Monday evening. In addition to Monday's class, each student enrolled is assigned a case manager who visits with the student at their designated school about once a week. This is our one on one time where we are able to get to know that student better, assist with goal setting, help them figure out how to get on track or stay on track, assist with any personal, family, social, or school related problems they may be having, etc. Through this case management portion, we are also able to assist family gain access to resources as needed such as food pantry, counseling services, legal services, assist with school enrollment if needed, clothing assistance, etc.